var Cobalt = {}; var _gaq = _gaq || []; (function($) { var floatnum = []; Cobalt.typeahead = function(el, post, options) { if(!$(el).length) return; var labels = [], mapped = []; options = options || {}; $(el).typeahead({ items: options.limit || 10, source: function(query, process) { post.q = query; post.limit = options.limit || 10; return $.get(options.url || Cobalt.field_call_url, post, function(data) { if(!data) return; if(!data.result) return; labels[el] = []; mapped[el] = {}; $.each(data.result, function(i, item) { mapped[el][item.label] = item.value labels[el].push(item.label) }); return process(labels[el]); }, 'json'); }, updater: function(item) { return mapped[el][item]; } }); }; Cobalt.formatInt = function(el) { var cur = el.value; reg = /[^\d]+/; cur = cur.replace(reg, ""); el.value = cur; }; Cobalt.formatFloat = function(obj, decimal, max, val_max, val_min, field_id, msg) { if(floatnum[] == obj.value) { return; } var cur = obj.value; cur = cur.replace(',', '.'); cur = cur.replace('..', '.'); var sign = ''; if(cur.indexOf('-') == 0) { sign = '-'; cur = cur.substr(1, cur.length); } else if(cur.indexOf('+') == 0) { sign = '+'; cur = cur.substr(1, cur.length); } if(decimal > 0) { reg = /[^\d\.]+/; } else { reg = /[^\d]+/; } cur = cur.replace(reg, ''); cur = sign + cur; if((cur.lastIndexOf('.') >= 0) && (cur.indexOf('.') > 0) && (cur.indexOf('.') < cur.lastIndexOf('.'))) { reg2 = /\.$/; cur = cur.replace(reg2, ''); } if(cur) { var myRe = /^([^\.]+)(.*)/i; var myArray = myRe.exec(cur); number = myArray[1]; rest = myArray[2]; if(number.length > decimal) { cur = number.substr(0, max) + rest; } if(decimal > 0 && (cur.indexOf('.') > 0)) { myRe = /([^\.]+)\.([^\.]*)/i; myArray = myRe.exec(cur); number = myArray[1]; float = myArray[2]; if(float.length > decimal) { cur = number + '.' + float.substr(0, decimal); } } if(val_max && val_min) { if(parseFloat(cur) > val_max) { cur = val_max; Cobalt.fieldError(field_id, msg); } if(parseFloat(cur) < val_min) { cur = val_min; Cobalt.fieldError(field_id, msg); } } } obj.value = cur; floatnum[] = obj.value; }; Cobalt.redrawBS = function() { $('*[rel^="tooltip"]').tooltip(); $('*[rel="popover"]').popover(); $('.tip-bottom').tooltip({placement: "bottom"}); jQuery('.radio.btn-group label').addClass('btn'); jQuery(".btn-group label:not(.active)").click(function() { var label = jQuery(this); var input = jQuery('#' + label.attr('for')); if(!input.prop('checked')) { label.closest('.btn-group').find("label").removeClass('active btn-success btn-danger btn-primary'); if(input.val() == '') { label.addClass('active btn-primary'); } else if(input.val() == 0) { label.addClass('active btn-danger'); } else { label.addClass('active btn-success'); } input.prop('checked', true); } }); jQuery(".btn-group input[checked=checked]").each(function() { if(jQuery(this).val() == '') { jQuery("label[for=" + jQuery(this).attr('id') + "]").addClass('active btn-primary'); } else if(jQuery(this).val() == 0) { jQuery("label[for=" + jQuery(this).attr('id') + "]").addClass('active btn-danger'); 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} $("a[id^=compare_]").each(function() { $(this).show(); $(this).removeClass('hide'); $(this).removeAttr('style'); }); }); }; Cobalt.CompareRecord = function(id, section) { var button = $('#compare_' + id); $('img', button).attr('src', '/components/com_cobalt/images/load.gif'); $.ajax({ url: '/component/cobalt/?', dataType: 'json', type: 'POST', data: { record_id: id, section_id: section } }).done(function(json) { button.hide(); if(!json) { return; } $('img', button).attr('src', '/media/mint/icons/16/edit-diff.png'); $('#compare div.alert').removeClass('alert-warning').addClass('alert-info'); $('#compare').slideDown('fast', function() { $('html, body').animate({scrollTop: $("#compare").offset().top}, 500); }); if(!json.success) { $('#compare div.alert h4').html(json.error); $('#compare div.alert').addClass('alert-warning').removeClass('alert-info'); //alert(json.error); return; } $('#compare div.alert h4').html('You have ' + json.result + ' articles to compare. Do you want to see compare view now?'); if(_gaq) { _gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'Compare', id]); } }); }; Cobalt.RepostRecord = function(id, section) { var button = $('#repost_' + id); $('img', button).attr('src', '/components/com_cobalt/images/load.gif'); $.ajax({ url: '/component/cobalt/?task=ajax.repost&tmpl=component', dataType: 'json', type: 'POST', data: { record_id: id, section_id: section } }).done(function(json) { button.hide(); if(!json) { return; } if(!json.success) { alert(json.error); return; } if(_gaq) { _gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'Repost', id]); } }); }; Cobalt.followRecord = function(id, section) { $('#follow_record_' + id).attr('src', '/components/com_cobalt/images/load.gif'); $.ajax({ url: '/component/cobalt/?task=ajax.follow&tmpl=component', context: $('#follow_record_' + id), dataType: 'json', type: 'POST', data: { record_id: id, section_id: section } }).done(function(json) { if(!json) { return; } if(!json.success) { alert(json.error); return; } $(this) .attr('src', '/media/mint/icons/16/follow' + json.state + '.png') .attr('data-original-title', json.title); Cobalt.redrawBS(); if(_gaq) { _gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'Follow', json.state == 1 ? 'Unfollow Record' : 'Follow Record', json.rtitle]); } }); }; Cobalt.bookmarkRecord = function(id, img) { $('#bookmark_' + id).attr('src', '/components/com_cobalt/images/load.gif'); $.ajax({ url: '/component/cobalt/?task=ajax.bookmark&tmpl=component', context: $('#bookmark_' + id), dataType: 'json', type: 'POST', data: { record_id: id } }).done(function(json) { if(!json) { return; } if(!json.success) { alert(json.error); return; } $(this) .attr('src', '/media/mint/icons/bookmarks/' + img + '/state' + json.state + '.png') .attr('data-original-title', json.title); Cobalt.redrawBS(); if(_gaq) { _gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'Bookmark', json.state == 1 ? 'Remove' : 'Add', json.rtitle]); } }); }; Cobalt.followSection = function(id) { $('#follow_' + id).attr('src', '/components/com_cobalt/images/load.gif'); $.ajax({ url: '/component/cobalt/?task=ajax.followsection&tmpl=component', context: $('#follow_' + id), dataType: 'json', type: 'POST', data: { section_id: id } }).done(function(json) { if(!json) { return; } if(!json.success) { alert(json.error); return; } $('#follow_' + id).attr('src', '/media/mint/icons/16/follow' + (json.state.toInt() ? 0 : 1) + '.png'); $('#followtext_' + id).html(json.title); if(json.state == 0) { $('#followsec-' + id).addClass('btn-primary').bind('mouseleave',function() { $(this).removeClass('btn-danger').addClass('btn-primary'); $('#followtext_' + id).html('Following Section'); }).bind('mouseenter', function() { $(this).removeClass('btn-primary').addClass('btn-danger'); $('#followtext_' + id).html('Unfollow Section'); }); } else { $('#followsec-' + id).removeClass('btn-primary btn-danger').unbind('mouseenter mouseleave').prop("onmouseover", null).prop("onmouseout", null); } if(_gaq) { _gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'Follow', json.state == 1 ? 'Unfollow Section' : 'Follow Section',]); } }); }; Cobalt.followUser = function(id, section) { $('#followuser_' + id).attr('src', '/components/com_cobalt/images/load.gif'); $.ajax({ url: '/component/cobalt/?task=ajax.followuser&tmpl=component', dataType: 'json', type: 'POST', data: { user_id: id, section_id: section } }).done(function(json) { if(!json) { return; } if(!json.success) { alert(json.error); return; } $('#followuser_' + id).attr('src', '/media/mint/icons/16/follow' + (json.state.toInt() ? 0 : 1) + '.png'); $('#followtext_' + id).html(json.title); if(json.state == 0) { $('#followuser-' + id).addClass('btn-primary').bind('mouseleave',function() { $(this).removeClass('btn-danger').addClass('btn-primary'); $('#followtext_' + id).html(json.title); }).bind('mouseenter', function() { $(this).removeClass('btn-primary').addClass('btn-danger'); $('#followtext_' + id).html(json.title2); }); } else { $('#followuser-' + id).removeClass('btn-primary btn-danger').unbind('mouseenter mouseleave').prop("onmouseover", null).prop("onmouseout", null); } if(_gaq) { _gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'Follow', json.state == 1 ? 'Unfollow User' : 'Follow User',]); } }); }; Cobalt.followCat = function(id, section) { $('#follow_' + id).attr('src', '/components/com_cobalt/images/load.gif'); $.ajax({ url: '/component/cobalt/?task=ajax.followcat&tmpl=component', dataType: 'json', type: 'POST', data: { cat_id: id, section_id: section } }).done(function(json) { if(!json) { return; } if(!json.success) { alert(json.error); return; } $('#follow_' + id).attr('src', '/media/mint/icons/16/follow' + (json.state.toInt() ? 0 : 1) + '.png'); $('#followtext_' + id).html(json.title); if(json.state == 0) { $('#followcat-' + id).addClass('btn-primary').bind('mouseleave',function() { $(this).removeClass('btn-danger').addClass('btn-primary'); $('#followtext_' + id).html('Following Category'); }).bind('mouseenter', function() { $(this).removeClass('btn-primary').addClass('btn-danger'); $('#followtext_' + id).html('Unfollow Category'); }); } else { $('#followcat-' + id).removeClass('btn-primary btn-danger').unbind('mouseenter mouseleave').prop("onmouseover", null).prop("onmouseout", null); } if(_gaq) { _gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'Follow', json.state == 1 ? 'Unfollow Category' : 'Follow Category',]); } }); }; Cobalt.ItemRatingCallBackMulti = function(vote, ident, index) { Cobalt.ItemRatingCallBackSingle(vote, ident, index, true); }; Cobalt.ItemRatingCallBackSingle = function(vote, ident, index, multi) { var old_html = $('#rating-text-' + ident).html(); $('#rating-text-' + ident).addClass('progress progress-striped active').html('
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var bg = $(document.createElement('div')) .attr('class', 'input-append') .append(input).append(ba).append(bc); { input.val(''); container.html(''); container.append(link); }); { if(!input.val()) { alert('Enter value'); return; } var inpname = 'jform[fields][' + + ']'; if(data.inputtype == 'checkbox') { inpname += '[]'; } if(data.inputtype == 'option') { var inpt = $(document.createElement('option')) .attr('value', input.val()) .attr('selected', 'selected') .html(input.val()) .click(function() { Cobalt.countFieldValues(this,, data.limit, data.inputtype); }); var sel = $('#form_field_list_' +; sel.append(inpt); sel.trigger("liszt:updated"); if(data.field_type == 'multiselect') { sel.attr('size', (parseInt(sel.attr('size')) + 1)); } } else { var inpt = $(document.createElement('input')) .attr({ value: input.val(), selected: 'selected', checked: 'checked', type: data.inputtype, name: inpname }) .click(function() { Cobalt.countFieldValues(this,, data.limit, data.inputtype); }); $(document.createElement('div')).attr({'class': 'row-fluid'}) .append($(document.createElement('div')) .attr({'class': 'span12'}) .append($(document.createElement('label')) .attr({'class': data.inputtype}) .append(inpt, input.val()))) .appendTo($('#elements-list-' +; 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var control = box.closest('.control-group'); if(msg) { box.html(msg); box.slideDown('quick', function() { control.addClass('error').click(function() { Cobalt.fieldErrorClear(id); }); }); } else { Cobalt.fieldErrorClear(id); } }; Cobalt.fieldErrorClear = function(id) { var box = $('#field-alert-' + id); var control = box.closest('.control-group'); box.html('').slideUp('quick'); control.unbind('click').removeClass('error'); }; Cobalt.setAndSubmit = function(el, val) { var elm = $('#' + el); elm.val(val); elm.parents('form').submit(); }; Cobalt.editComment = function(id, parent, record) { var url = '/component/cobalt/?view=comment&tmpl=component' + '&id=' + id; if(parent) { url += '&parent_id=' + parent + '&record_id=' + record; } var iframe = $(document.createElement('iframe')).attr({ 'src': url, 'frameborder': "0", 'width': "100%", 'height': "600px" }); $('#commentframe').html(iframe); if(id) { $('#commentlabel').html('Edit comment'); } else { $('#commentlabel').html('Add new comment'); 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